With the gay rights movement becoming more prominent I've been coming across reasons why people are against it. One reason is because they think being gay is a choice. For those who believe that it is a choice, they would be entirely wrong.
Choice involves making a decision between two or more objects. In this case, it would be choosing to be heterosexual or homosexual. I don't think I have ever once heard of some profound moment in anyone's life where they CHOSE to be straight. That's really nothing you have control over. So why would it be any different with being gay?
At this point, people would argue that it's because being gay is out of the ordinary, socially unacceptable, or some form of a sin going against God's plan. Generally yes, it is out of the ordinary and socially unacceptable. People get tormented and teased all the time for not being straight. Who would choose a life like that? Who would choose to be shut out of certain parts of society? Nobody.
As far as God's plan goes: God believes in love. Love is love no matter who it's between. Yes, the Bible does say that marriage should be between a man and a woman. But did God write the Bible? Did Jesus even write the Bible? No. Overall, anyone who contributed to constructing the Bible doesn't hold as high of a title as 'the maker of heaven and earth'. The Lord wants everyone to be happy and lead their live the way we desire. That's why he gave us our own brains so we can think for ourselves! If he was so against homosexuals then why did he let us be free of thoughts and feelings? Why wasn't that something we would never be able to think of?
Further on that point, there are mass murderers and child molesters who live their life harming others. So for homophobes, you're going to sit there and torment homosexuals to the point where they begin to loathe themselves while there are people out there doing extreme harm to this world? Is that REALLY the best way to spend your time?
Being gay is NOT a choice. I would know firsthand. I have known for around 5 years now. For the first 3 years of coming to realization with is, I was in constant denial. I didn't want to be that way. I prayed so often that I could stop feeling and thinking the way I did. I hated who I was becoming and just wished I could be straight like every other girl. The year after, I had finally accepted it but was all too embarrassed to have people know about it so I hid my life from everyone for 4 years. Anyone who is straight will never have any idea how horrible those feelings are. I would never in a million years wish those feelings upon my worst enemy. So if I felt so terrible, why didn't I just stop being gay? Because it wasn't my choice in the first place. It's just who I am and who I was meant to become.
Another fight against 'being gay is a choice': you try and be gay for a day. Oh you can't? Exactly. Because you don't choose it. If it's so gross or so sinful of a choice then nobody would be gay. But because we can't control who we're attracted to, it's not a choice, it's a feeling.
For anyone who's been in love, I bet you couldn't say you chose to fall in love with that person. You want to know why? Love isn't a choice. Love is a feeling. No matter who it's towards, love is love.
Being this year number 5, as I had mentioned earlier, of me knowing about my sexuality, I am finally out of the closet and very happy and proud of who I am. There isn't one single person who could put me down about it. Anyone who's ever tried to hurt me because of who I am only makes me feel sorry for them. For they do not have the open mind that I do and for that, there will be plenty of opportunities to grow that they will never have the chance to experience; but I will.
Homophobes can criticize all they want. But just so we're clear, homosexuals are some of the proudest and strongest people you will ever come across. There is no chance in this world that our rights will be denied. We will fight until the bitter end to get what we deserve, and we will get it, no matter how long it takes.
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