Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Republicans are Losing Support

Recently in the news, Rush Limbaugh (republican radio talk show host) said a really horrible comment about a law student named Sandra Fluke.
Sandra had presented herself to congress about being in favor of the new contraception bill. He reasons for doing so were among the lines of being that birth control isn’t always used to prevent pregnancies. She said that 30% of birth control users do so because of other health issues, like migraines and menstrual pains.
After this address to congress, on Rush’s radio show he said that all Sandra is asking for is to be paid to have sex. He proceeded then to call her a slut and a prostitute. However, he continued in saying that if she wants to be paid for sex so bad then she needs to video tape herself having sex and put it on the internet for everyone to see.
After his comment, Rush had lost 12 different supporting advertisers. He apologized to Sandra in realizing that those comment had negative effects but she dismissed it because she found those words to be completely insulting. When asked if she would forgive him if he gave her a personal phone call to apologize, she said that the comments were personal enough and that’s enough personal contact for a lifetime.
Now statistics show that women vote more than men. When it really comes down to it, women in the suburbs really decide the president. Since Rush is part of the Republican Party and so many women were offended by his attacks on Sandra, many women switched sides. They were very turned off by the Republicans and it was reported that they had begun leaning more towards the Democratic side.
Even Mitt Romney pretty much supported Rush. He said “I would have used different words”. How do you say “She’s a slut/prostitute” in different words? By saying that he’s implying he didn’t disagree with the accusation, he just didn’t agree with the phrasing.
All in all, the Republicans are blowing it this year. The more stupid mistakes they make the more that Obama will win by. Not only is this such a political issue, but it has turned into a social issue with all of the negative words being thrown around.
Not only Sandra has been attacked. The Obama’s themselves have been insulted by running Republicans and well as the Republicans bashing on each other. Many of these accusations and horrible things are derogatory and sexual in nature. This is exactly what is upsetting women, and will eventually upset the nation.
As more and more of that enters the media, people will become less and less impressed by the republican party. If the Republicans don’t fix their mistakes and become more intelligent about getting to the people, they will have zero chance of winning office.

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