Considering that I am a vegetarian, I find animal rights to be very important. I don’t eat any meat or fish because I do not agree with the inhumane ways of catching or killing them.
Most of all, cows. Along with whales, cows are my favorite animals. I stopped eating beef over a year ago because I learned how they treat them. Farmers keep cows in a confined area and just continuously feed them so that they get obese. They can’t run around much so they just keep eating until they’re fat enough that they’d sell for big bucks when the farmer kills them. How is that okay at all?
Next comes fish. Fishermen on big boats that catch fish for the American population are ruining our seas. We are catching too many for the fish to survive. We have to keep going out into deeper and deeper waters because the ones close no longer have any fish. Soon enough, the ocean in its entirety will no longer supply fish. Plus the way that they catch them is really upsetting. They use huge nets and either scroll it along the bottom or just go in and come out.
By scrolling the net across the bottom of the ocean they are ruining the ocean floor by kicking up everything that lives on there and moving it around. When they put the net in and then pull it back out it’s incredibly common to catch something other than what you wanted. So many sea turtles, dolphins, and other kinds of fish get caught in the net and either dies because they can’t get air, or die because they aren’t supposed to breathe air. The fishermen then just throw those animals away as if they were a waste.
In fact, right now the population of tuna is rapidly declining. Because of the over-fishing Blue Fin tuna are now going extinct. They way that they catch these tuna? They use about four boats to corral a bunch of tuna into one area and then they pull them out as they are leaping out of the water and then gut them right then and there.
Finally, chickens. Companies that supply chickens for a large corporation (such as McDonald’s) keep the chickens locked in their cage. They come every now and then to pick up any new eggs, but for the most part, most chickens are just crammed together in a barn and have just about zero ability to move. They just get to poop and pee everywhere and be forced to live in it.
I know by me deciding not to eat animals, it doesn’t do a huge difference. But I’m not trying to make a difference. I just don’t want to be a part of the horrible in-humane ways that people get their meat to the market. I don’t want that on my conscience.
Now although majority of farms treat their animals horribly, there are organic farms that treat their animals just as if they were loved pets. These farmers make sure everyone knows and puts it on the label that they treat their animals well. I think if I ever decide to eat meat again, I’m going only for those brands.
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