1. Taylor Swift: A lot of people dislike her because “she can’t sing”. I actually just went to her concert in Des Moines this past summer and I am a singer so I do know what is a wrong note but I literally could not hear any wrong note come from her voice. She really can sing, it’s not just on her CD’s. When she first came into the music scene I do remember one concert on TV I saw that was less than great. But you should also consider how nerve-wrecking it would be to be her and just starting out her career.
She has catchy songs and also really lyrically creative songs. My favorites are “Innocent” and “Haunted” from her album Speak Now. “Innocent” has really solid and deep lyrics that if you really listen to them and try and connect you’ll probably find them creative as well. My favorite parts are the pre-choruses like “Wasn’t it easier in your lunchbox days? Always a bigger bed to crawl into. Wasn’t it beautiful when you believed in everything? And everybody believed in you.” Then also, “Wasn’t it easier in your firefly-catching days? When everything out of reach, someone bigger brought down to you. Wasn’t it beautiful running wild til’ you fell asleep; before the monsters caught up to you?” In “Haunted” I find the violin an awesome addition to a partial modern rock song. It adds a fresh new power.
2. Nick Jonas: I’ve heard so many reasons why The Jonas Brothers are “gay” and “stupid” and have also been called more inappropriate words than that. But Nick from the Jonas Brothers is incredibly talented. He’s the youngest of the brothers and he plays drums, guitar, sings, and writes his own lyrics. Not only that, but he has such an interesting sound.
I’ve only listened to his first CD he came out on his own which included the song “Who I Am”. Many of his other songs though are even more creative. His lyrics are really deep and his sound is so unique to what is normally heard. My two favorites are “Rose Garden” and “State of Emergency”. “Rose Garden” is a great representation of how good of a writer he is. His lyrics start out with “She was brought into this world, out of a beautiful mistake. When her mom was just a girl; and her daddy didn’t stay. She was working at age 9, down at the flower shop in town. Working hard just to survive because life was throwing her around” And the song goes on to tell such a sweetly sad story about this girl who experiences this life. It’s incredible the way he describes it. “State of Emergency” is one of my favorites because it really shows how different his sound is. I’m not really sure which category to place it in. Plus, he has a unique voice and a wide range in his vocals.
3. Framing Hanley: The song they are most famous for is the rock version of Lil Wayne’s “Lollipop”. Some people like it and others don’t but overall, they’re pegged as an’ emo’ or scream group. Their album titled The Moment doesn’t do them entire justice if you’re not too into a heavier rock than modern rock. But one of their more recent albums titled A Promise to Burn really shows their true talents.
Not only did they keep a good rock and guitar feel from their earlier CDs but they toned a few down and enhanced their lyrics. I love “Weight of the World” and “The Burn”. “Weight of the World” talks about how he wants to help this certain person out because they deserve better than what they’re being treated and it’s just so sweet the way he comes across. “The Burn” is all about how he was so excited to be in a band and was “all smiles when I signed on that dotted line” but now he’s losing a lot more than he thought he would and doesn’t really know who he is. The lyrics I like best in that song are “I took the bullet and I never thought twice. I’m always the coolest when there’s money in their eyes.” Or “They took all my dreams, and all of my things. My family counted on me and I can’t let them down. I can’t let them down.” It just puts a new perspective on a life that everyone thinks they want to live and about how it’s really not as awesome as it seems.
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