Same sex marriages have become more and more of a popular social issue. Recently, New York just passed the law allowing same-sex marriages in that state. (Personally I figured New York would have done that a lot sooner.) But as same sex marriages gain more popularity, the more people against it will raise their voice.
One of the most insanely stupid arguments against it (in my opinion) is that kids will be confused on gender roles. they won’t. Even as a gay couple, you can teach your kids that a man and a woman pro-create. Kids wouldn’t be confused on who they should marry because after all, they’ll be attracted to whoever the feel attraction towards; not who they see together in a society. Kids will grow up knowing what is acceptable and unacceptable or common and uncommon in society by 1) their parents (gay or straight) will teach them and 2) they will grow up and learn things on their own.
Another argument suggests that gay marriage will weaken the institution of marriage. Well I know divorce is legal…but doesn’t that weaken the institution of marriage? At least with gay marriage, the couple loves each other. How could love (what marriage is all about) weaken marriage?! But people who get married and decide to get a divorce, which entirely weakens marriage due to the fact that it’s obviously showing marriage doesn’t mean forever to that couple, is totally legal. How is that fair?
I’m not saying people who divorce are bad people, because they aren’t. They just shouldn’t have gotten married in the first place because they should’ve known they didn’t want to be together forever like a marriage should be.
Some people are against it because they believe gays are unable to form lasting relationships. Well this is also true in a straight society. But as we all age, we find who it is that we love and hold onto them. People against gay rights in general also say that because (prominently through homosexual males) that the spread of STI’s and AIDS is increased. But this is where legalizing gay marriage would help. If a homosexual couple was allowed to get married then they would only be with one person, not spreading any diseases to anyone else; thus, making the STI and AIDS rate go down.
Gay marriage doesn’t hurt society or anyone in particular. If two people are in love (whether they are of opposite sex or the same sex) and firmly believe that they will feel this way forever and plan to be each other’s best friends for the rest of their lives, why can’t they make it official?
I know they are plenty of straight married couples who love knowing that they are married to their best friend and showing of their ring when they get engaged. Gay couples should be able to do the same.
Marriage shouldn’t be denied to those who are in love. It’s just completely unfair. Everyone deserves to love and be loved in return. With that, they also deserve to be officially known as a married couple.
By the way, I found a quote the other day talking about homophobia that really had a great message. It went something like this “Homosexuality is found in over 450 species. Homophobia is only found in one. Which one seems unnatural now?”
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