Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Costly Things to Have Go Wrong in A Swim Meet

There are many things that can happen during swim meets that make you feel really stupid or get you really upset. These few examples actually happened to me at a meet just last night against Iowa City West.
1)      Missing the wall. This is probably one of the most frustrating things you can do in a race. Here’s how it goes down: You’re up on the block. You’re bent over, ready to grab the block when the announcer says “swimmers…take your marks.”  You grab the block and lean back a little to prepare your leverage. You hear the BEEP and push off the block as hard as you can and throw your arms up into streamline. (Streamline is when you have both arms extended above your head with one hand over the other and squeeze your ears with your arms.) You feel the rush of the water and start dolphin kicking as fast as you can as you get closer to the surface. When you reach the surface you break out into freestyle as fast as you can. You can see you’re tied with the girl to the left of you and the girl to the right isn’t too far behind. It’s all up to this turn to get the lead. Then it happens… YOU MISSED THE WALL. You flipped too early and you pushed off of nothing. Now not only did both those girls get ahead of you, but you’re kicking for your life to just catch back up. When you finally make it back to the end, you look at your score and see it’s at least 1 second slower than your normal times. Total disappointment.

2)      False starting during a relay. A false start means you jumped off the block before you should have. In a relay, that means you jumped off the block before the person ahead of you touched the wall. When you false start, you are disqualified and your time is not counted. This personally didn’t happen to me last night but to another girl in my relay. But basically, here’s how it happened: Varsity is getting killed. So the JV coach moves down some Varsity girls to the JV relay so that hopefully JV can win and stay undefeated. The last race (400 free relay) is upon us and we’re only ahead by 10 points (JV that is). The first girl hears the BEEP and dives in. She’s swimming fast and gets a slight lead ahead of the other team in the lane next to us. It’s my turn to dive in next. I made a close call on when to dive in, but was still safe. I gain an even bigger lead on the next lane after my 100 and the girl behind me then dives in. The next girl then dives in after her and our lane wins by at least 3 seconds. Which means JV won and is still undefeated right?! Well to our surprise, we were wrong. The third girl had false started and jumped too early so we got disqualified and the final race determined that ICW was the winner.

3)      Warm pools. Kennedy’s pool is freezing, just so we’re all clear on that one. Freezing water gives a jolt of energy to your body when you swim while warm water relaxes your muscles. Last night at the Coralville Rec Center, the pool was so warm. This is probably a big reason why we lost. We’re so used to swimming fast in cold water, while ICW is used to the warm water. I guess you could say that they had a ‘home field advantage’. It was really tough for us to swim fast.

Now, there is plenty more that could go wrong during a meet, but this is what had happened last night. It was a tough meet with many obstacles but we intend to take it as a learning experience and work hard to avoid those situations the next time.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Reason Why You Should Be Rear-Ended

I don't know if anyone else experiences this or experiences the anger I do when it happens, but this is one of my biggest pet peeves when I drive.

The curve/turn thing coming from Edgewood going onto Blairsferry seems tricky. Most of the time the light will be red and about half the time there are cars coming from the other direction. However, this does NOT mean you need to stop and wait. Seriously, it's a huge waste of not only my time, but yours too. But mostly mine apparently.

You have an entire lane to yourself! You don't need to worry about the other on coming traffic because if they want into your lane, then they will watch for you! If you need to get over into the left lane, you have plenty of time to do it. Just keep going in the right lane until there is an opening. Don't stop and wait until the coast is clear. Plus, there isn't even a yield sign in that turn so even the law is saying you don't need to watch for the oncoming traffic.

So seriously, please don't. It's incredibly annoying.

And sorry for how angry I sounded. Road rage likes to get the best of me...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Depths of Music

In my opinion, preferences on music style really depend on how connected an individual wants to be to the music.

 I think most modern songs (like things you'd hear on Z102.9) don't require thought. They just have a good beat and a tune that gets stuck in your head. The people that consider that their favorite type of music are the ones who don't want to think when they're listening to music. I'm not saying that's a bad thing though. Likes and opinions can’t be right or wrong.

 To me, that kind of music is fine. I'll listen to it but it's not my favorite. I really love soft rock/modern rock and blues rock. (Which I'm just getting into blues rock so I really don't have a lot of suggestions on good music for that but so far, Justin Nozuka is my favorite.)

 For musicians, like myself, I think we look for songs that propose a meaning. Not just songs about sex, breakups, and girls not needing their ex. Lyrics that are clever or really, personally move you is a good majority of what musicians listen to (or at least I do).

 I love Maroon 5 above all other bands. A lot of people either don't like them because they 'aren't very good' or they love them because that one song “Moves Like Jagger” is such a good song. I have loved Maroon 5 since "This Love" had become popular. Then, when they performed "Makes Me Wonder" on the KCA's (Kid's Choice Awards) in 2008 I knew they were something else. They just have a totally different sound than anyone I've come across. Adam Levine (lead singer) has such a different voice which also adds to their quality sound. Not only does their instrumental part sound phenomenal, they sing about some really legit things. They sing about things that will really make you think and connect and it's just very impressive how Adam puts his words together. I never get sick of them.

 I also really love My Chemical Romance. To a lot of people, this is an 'emo' band with a lot of heavy guitar. But if you really listened to their music, they have really clever lyrics. One of their songs called "Cancer" is probably one of their best examples of that. The way they come across with their ideas is often abstract.

 I appreciate all music to an extent. One kind of music I'm not a fan of though, is rap. I just don't think it has really any creativity. It's all made up beats and sounds off of the soundboard rather than someone actually composing the music themselves. Also, when most people rap, it's about sex, drugs, or a combination of the two in a funny description. I think Eminem is really good about rapping about things that are important to him rather than about something very cliché. Otherwise, I really don't listen to a lot of rap.

 I don't think any music sucks, I just know if I don't like it then that means it's just not my style. Other than Miley Cyrus. She needs to go. Her music definitely sucks, partially because of the person she is. But I don't like people that say music is so horrible when the only reason they say that is because they don't like the sound. It's not bad music; it's just a different style that you're not into.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Feelings Can't Be Chosen

With the gay rights movement becoming more prominent I've been coming across reasons why people are against it. One reason is because they think being gay is a choice. For those who believe that it is a choice, they would be entirely wrong.

Choice involves making a decision between two or more objects. In this case, it would be choosing to be heterosexual or homosexual. I don't think I have ever once heard of some profound moment in anyone's life where they CHOSE to be straight. That's really nothing you have control over. So why would it be any different with being gay?

At this point, people would argue that it's because being gay is out of the ordinary, socially unacceptable, or some form of a sin going against God's plan. Generally yes, it is out of the ordinary and socially unacceptable. People get tormented and teased all the time for not being straight. Who would choose a life like that? Who would choose to be shut out of certain parts of society? Nobody.

As far as God's plan goes: God believes in love. Love is love no matter who it's between. Yes, the Bible does say that marriage should be between a man and a woman. But did God write the Bible? Did Jesus even write the Bible? No. Overall, anyone who contributed to constructing the Bible doesn't hold as high of a title as 'the maker of heaven and earth'. The Lord wants everyone to be happy and lead their live the way we desire. That's why he gave us our own brains so we can think for ourselves! If he was so against homosexuals then why did he let us be free of thoughts and feelings? Why wasn't that something we would never be able to think of?

Further on that point, there are mass murderers and child molesters who live their life harming others. So for homophobes, you're going to sit there and torment homosexuals to the point where they begin to loathe themselves while there are people out there doing extreme harm to this world? Is that REALLY the best way to spend your time?

Being gay is NOT a choice. I would know firsthand. I have known for around 5 years now. For the first 3 years of coming to realization with is, I was in constant denial. I didn't want to be that way. I prayed so often that I could stop feeling and thinking the way I did. I hated who I was becoming and just wished I could be straight like every other girl. The year after, I had finally accepted it but was all too embarrassed to have people know about it so I hid my life from everyone for 4 years. Anyone who is straight will never have any idea how horrible those feelings are. I would never in a million years wish those feelings upon my worst enemy. So if I felt so terrible, why didn't I just stop being gay? Because it wasn't my choice in the first place. It's just who I am and who I was meant to become.

Another fight against 'being gay is a choice': you try and be gay for a day. Oh you can't? Exactly. Because you don't choose it. If it's so gross or so sinful of a choice then nobody would be gay. But because we can't control who we're attracted to, it's not a choice, it's a feeling.

For anyone who's been in love, I bet you couldn't say you chose to fall in love with that person. You want to know why? Love isn't a choice. Love is a feeling. No matter who it's towards, love is love.

Being this year number 5, as I had mentioned earlier, of me knowing about my sexuality, I am finally out of the closet and very happy and proud of who I am. There isn't one single person who could put me down about it. Anyone who's ever tried to hurt me because of who I am only makes me feel sorry for them. For they do not have the open mind that I do and for that, there will be plenty of opportunities to grow that they will never have the chance to experience; but I will.

Homophobes can criticize all they want. But just so we're clear, homosexuals are some of the proudest and strongest people you will ever come across. There is no chance in this world that our rights will be denied. We will fight until the bitter end to get what we deserve, and we will get it, no matter how long it takes.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

200 Free Relay

This is a video of Kennedy against Iowa City West at Kennedy's pool in 2008. Lane 3 and 4 are considered the 'fast lanes' because they put the fastest swimmers in those lanes and the slower ones in 1, 2, 5, and 6.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pros and Cons of Swimming

I am going to start with the cons of swimming because there are more of them.


--You wake up to be at practice at 5:30 and get to practice again right after school at 3pm. So basically we have two-a-days every single day.
--For all the time we put into the pool (twice a day plus 3 hours on Saturday practices) it's as much time as a part-time job. So for those on the team (like me) that also have a part-time job, there's just so much work time.
--You get very little sleep during the week. After night practice, which ends at 5:30, you have to eat and then do your homework which keep you up until about 11 or later. Then have to be up and at school by 5:30 again. Yay.
--Our sets are really hard. We generally do over 10,000 yards a day and our coach really likes to focus on sprinting (swimming your fastest).
--When we have really long sets, we don't get breaks. We don't get to sit out for a second and take a drink of water. It's go go go.
--Making the times for sets is extremely frustrating. In our sets, we have to do things like 10 200's on the 2:30. You have no idea how hard it is to make each and every one of those 200's on the 2:30. By the time you finish the first one, you're pushing of the wall to start the next one. It's horrible.
--We have our Saturday's consumed by meets. Saturday meets (also called invitationals) last pretty much all day. So we'll get to whatever high school's pool around 10 and then be home around 5 or 6. Then you're too tired to hang out afterwards so there goes another Saturday.
--THE WATER IS FREEZING. Our coach likes to keep the temp at 75 degrees or something. Which actually sounds decently warm, but if you aren't swimming fast enough to keep your blood pumping, you literally will shiver and your lips will turn blue. We don't get that pool heated.
--Our Tuesday meets out of town don't let us get home until around 10 or 11.
--We don't get to sit on the bench if it's not our turn like any other sport. We have to stand up and move around and cheer (which I guess also is a pro because it's nice to be cheered for).
--We don't get to not practice if we're sick. Whether it's a cold, or if you're throwing up, you have to be there. Unless you're dying, you better at least show up to practice.
--Our suits are always two sizes too's the hardest thing to get on and even worse to get off.
--We're technically not allowed to shave during the season. Some girls do it anyway though.
--You don't get to choose your events; the coach chooses for you. Every freshman has to do the 500 at least once. So even if you suck at something, if you get put in it, there is no complaining.

--We get the best parking spots in the lot considering we're there at 5:30
--We get to say we can do the hardest sport out there (because trust me, it is. Even football guys who have done swimming say that swimming is harder. So football guys, don't try and argue. You wouldn't last a week in swimming.)
--We get breakfast every morning before school made by the parents of girls on the swim team.
--We get our own locker room and breakfast room
--We get to eat all the time and not get fat because we're just working so hard in the pool.
--Kennedy is one of the top high school's for women's swimming in the city. We're undefeated at the moment.
--Everyone on the team is really close so we have a ton of fun together.
--We have 'swim parties' on the weekends where a member holds a party at their house for the swimmers and their parents and we eat food and hang out.
--We go on the Minnesota Trip right before school starts. We go to Minnesota for a weekend where we have a three hour practice, then eat, then go to Valleyfair. The next day we have another 3 hour practice, then go to Feed My Starving Children (an organization that helps feed kids in underdeveloped countries), go to an outdoor mall, then to Buca Di Peppos (spelling could be wrong but it's one of the best Italian restaurants out there). Then the last day we drive home (which we are using a charter bus the whole time).
--Although there are so many horrible things about it, it's a fun experience and it's nice having so many friends from the team. It sucks sometimes, but when it's good, it's so great.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Basics of Swimming

For those of you who have zero idea on what competitive swimming is, this post should supply you with some knowledge on it.

First of all, there are four basic strokes: freestyle (otherwise known as front crawl), backstroke, breaststroke (you kind of kick like a frog while using both arms mostly underwater..bad explanation), and butterfly (both arms come out of the water; aslo known as the stroke that Michael Phelps swims). In some events all of these strokes are combined. For instance, the medley relay consists of four people each doing one stroke in the order of back, breast, fly, and free. The IM is the individual medly which means only one person does all four of those stroke but in the order of fly, back, breast, free.

The events that high school swim teams compete in can range anywhere from 50 yards to 500 yards. 50 yards would be down and back in a high school sized pool. Each length of the pool is 25 yards.

Each meet consists of all the same events. in order they are: 200 medley relay, 200 freestyle, 200 IM, 50 free, diving (divers get the whole pool to dive which lets the swimmers have a break), 100 butterfly, 100 freestyle, 500 freestyle, 200 freestyle relay, 100 backstroke, 100 breaststroke, and 400 free relay. High school meets generally last anywhere from 2 to 3 hours.

A dual meet means only two teams compete. This would be a normal Tuesday meet for Kennedy. An invite means 4 or more teams compete. Those meets are swam on Saturdays because they usually take about 5 to 7 hours.

Relays, by the way, means that 4 people are in that race. So the first person dives in and does their swim, then the next, until all four have gone.

In meets, our goal isn't necesarily to win each of our races, but to beat our previous time in our events. Good times for a 50 free are anywhere from 24-27 seconds for women while men's is usually 20-25 seconds. Men are usually faster than women because they're already born with more muscle and have the capability of gaining more muscle than women.

For women, a good 100 free time would be from 56 seconds to 1:00. In butterfly good times would be 1:02-1:07. I'm not sure on the other strokes because I only swim butterfly and freestyle.

I think I explained most of the questions that I get asked. Any I didn't answer though, feel free to ask me.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Boring First Post Ever

Hello fellow bloggers and blog readers. Most of my blogs are going to be talking about swimming and being on a swim team. I'm also going to touch on certain social-issues about as often, maybe less and talk about music here and there. Every now and then I will probably also throw in some things that annoy me in life.

Each of these subjects mean something to me. As far as swimming, I have been on the Kennedy swim team for 4 years (counting this year) and have been on varsity the past two years. I'm really dedicated and could talk about it for a lifetime.

The biggest social-issue I'm concerned with is gay rights. I was unsure whether to blog about this or not, but after reading one linked on Kennedy blogs, I just kind of realized it's an important topic. I myself, am gay, or lesbian to be 'socially' correct. Gay is just less awkward to say. I feel like I can really give people insight on how it really feels to be gay and what most homosexuals have to go through.

I am so passionate about music. I play guitar, bass guitar, drums, sing, and write my own lyrics to compose songs with. I make my own CD's combining all of that. I'm mostly into soft and modern rock but I'm beginning to become very interested in a blues rock kind of sound. It's got a lot of soul.

Then finally, annoyances. Who doesn't like to rant about what annoys them? I know I do.

Hopefully this blog will become interesting at some point. I guess we'll see.